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Web View Sections in a DoubleDutch event app

Adam Liechty

September 23, 2017

DoubleDutch, Developer Platform

Getting started

A web view can be embedded in any DoubleDutch event app via the DoubleDutch CMS.

Layout > Add New Section > Web View

Insert the URL of the web page to load. HTTPS is preferred. It can be an existing web page such as a Twitter feed or a custom page that your build and host.

Custom pages

A custom page can take advantage of the DoubleDutch Javascript SDK for accessing basic user and event information when referened as a Web View section in a DoubleDutch app. Just include the DDEventsSDK.js script, and your Javascript in the page can query for event data.

1DD.Events.onReady(() => {
2 DD.Events.getCurrentUserAsync(user => {
3 const { ImageUrl, FirstName, LastName, Company, Title, UserIdentifierId, EmailAddress, UserName } = user
4 console.log(`Hello, ${FirstName} ${LastName}`)
5 })
7 DD.Events.getCurrentEventAsync(event => {
8 const { Icon, Name, Description, StartDate, EndDate } = event
9 console.log(`Welcome to ${Name}`)
10 })

See this live example.

Redirect with context

Sometimes, you may want to redirect to another page, passing some event or user information as context in the query string. The following URL can be embedded as a web view to achieve that. User and event variables will be replaced in the query string at runtime to redirect to the redirect_uri specified. Note that your redirect_uri must be URL-encoded.

For example, to do a search for the current attendee's first and last name on Google...

  1. Construct the URL with placeholders:
  1. URL-encode it:
  1. Set it as the redirect_uri of our redirect page:

Use this as the final URL for your Web View in the DoubleDutch CMS.

Note that redirecting to a page with email address, username, ID, etc. in the query string is NOT a secure method of authentication, as it can be easily spoofed. For secure authentication, a current user token placeholder, ${token}, can be referenced in your URL if your URL is https://, e.g.


Your server can decode and verify this token for secure authentication to your web page.

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