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Adam Liechty

September 21, 2017



base-64 encoding workaround

DoubleDutch extensions are deployed as pure Javascript over the air, so directly bundling images is not supported. A workaround is to base-64 encode smaller images and paste into your Javascript.

This site is good for base-64 encoding images.

Copy the resulting base-64 encoded image into a file containing such encoded images, e.g.

1// images.js
2const myImage = {uri: '...'}

Then, you can use such images in any React Native Image component, e.g.

1import {myImage} from './images'
3// In JSX
4<Image source={myImage} />


Big Screen

Some extensions, especially interactive activities and games in a large room (e.g. Trivia), launch a "Big Screen" for display. This is often used to display status, scores, or other information that should be visible to everyone in the room.

Some recommendations for building such "Big Screens":

  1. Make your big screen fill the whole window (height: 100%; width: 100%;). When displaying on a big screen, set the browser to full screen viewing, to hide the URL bar and other UI chrome.
  2. Do not use pixels anywhere in any styling. Prefer vh instead so that your UI will scale consistently to any screen size. Set a base font-size for your root element based on vh (e.g. font-size: 4vh;) and set other font-sizes in children DOM elements relative to that (e.g. h1 {font-size: 2em;}). Use vh for all other dimensions as well, including margin, padding, border, etc.
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